Do you have trouble believing these things about yourself?
I get it, me too.
It’s hard when the aches and pains of the world, the productivity and perfection of it all start to close in and stamp out our tiny glimmers of self worth. And yet, we do know that God, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe, says these things about those of us who have given our lives to Christ! Imagine if you could just learn to love the person He so perfectly formed…YOU!

But how do you start to embody these statements and characteristics. . . this . . . identity?
Listen, the brain is CRAZY powerful.
God talks to us a lot about the brain in His word.
He has given us dominion over our thoughts!
He reminds us to think on things above (Col 3:2).
He reminds us that we can be transformed by renewing our mind (Rom 12:2).
His mercies are new every morning, and so are lots of new baby brain cells!
God created our brain to change and grow!
Logically, we know this about a kid’s brain, but did you know it still applies to adults? And did you know that repetition creates stronger (or even new) neural pathways?
God shows us how to make lasting changes in our thoughts.
He speaks often about taking our thoughts captive, telling us what to think on, reminding us to be mindful of His truths.
So really. . . the Bible and science come together to help us become more like Christ. In turn, that makes us more like the women God created us to be!

How do we get there from here?
I’m so excited to introduce my Child of God Bible Affirmation Card Set!
It’s a guidebook that will walk the path of healing with you as you learn to love, accept, abide, and thrive as the person God created you to be!

The Bible Affirmation Card Set contains:
• 61 bible affirmation cards
• Suction cup mirror hook for hanging
• 14 reusable static cling stickers with positive affirmation statements to affix to your bathroom mirror
Take part in this journey to deepen your faith in God and learn to have greater trust in the Lord. It’s simple. Read the memory verses and prayers, recite the affirmations in a mirror, and believe these are God’s truths for you.
Does this REALLY work?
See what people are saying!
“Your affirmation cards and clings on our fridge have been instrumental in bringing my girls back to the Lord! They have gone from identifying as atheists to being more open to faith and even asking for Bibles of their own.”
– Elizabeth L.
“Normally, I prefer to pray and spend time in the Word at night before bed. This bible affirmation card set provides a quick and easy way to add self-love and spiritual encouragement to my morning routine. The monthly, weekly, and daily structure is simple to follow and is well-balanced. Some messages hit just right and make me smile, while others provoke a desire to dig deeper.”
– Allison P.
“I love seeing the difference these cards and stickers have made in my children’s behavior, specifically my nine year old son. He was really struggling with giving himself grace and forgiveness, over even the littlest thing. I decided to place the “I am forgiven” static cling sticker on his bathroom mirror to see if it helped. I started seeing a change in him and noticed he doesn’t speak to himself as negatively as he used to so I left the sticker on the mirror as a constant reminder of being forgiven because of the blood of Jesus. These cards and stickers are excellent at bringing you right back to God’s truth and they are perfect for gifts!”
– Alisha P.